Friday, April 17, 2015

Information for May and June Meetings

Everyone's schedule is busy in May but we have decided to have a Guild meeting on May 11th at the library (at 11 am, of course).  Sue Weidauer will do a demo on presser feet.  We will order in Pizza and Pop and just make a fun time of it.  Be sure to bring your show and tell and any questions you might have. 

For our field trip this spring we will be going to Pine Needles at Gardner Village.  Because of Mother's Day on May 9th we decided not to do it that week-end.  Holly at Pine Needles said that June 20th would work for them.

We will be leaving that day at 9:00 am, drive to Gardner Village in West Jordan, have lunch, then go to Pine Needles.  They will give us a short demonstration, I'm not sure what it will be on.  They also said that they would give us 20% off any thing that we buy that day.
So, for a fun time, plan on meeting at the library at 9:00. 

Be sure to pass this on to the ladies that don't have internet or don't read the blog...

Monday, April 13, 2015

Our Meeting on April 9th

Another great meeting was enjoyed on April 9th...Thanks so much to Sue Weidauer and Cathy Jolley for putting together the superb internet presentation.

First lets see our show and tell projects..................

Sue Weidauer gave a great presentation on the internet sites we could visit for help with our sewing and quilting.  We watched a few videos on

.....Here is the handout...

 Here are a few more sites that were suggested at the meeting...    -- lots of free patterns   (they also have a facebook page, lots of inspiration)   (check out their videos)   (also free patterns and inspiration)

Here is an updated roster...

And I was given the following sheet by Sue Wilcox...She got it from the Extension Office.
It has lots of useful info.

 Lunch was delicious as usual and thanks to the ladies for providing it. 

We also talked about the possibility of a field trip to Gardner Village in Salt Lake City next month but  did not firm up a date for that.  We will keep you posted...